Saturday, January 29, 2011

Stymied by "gadgets"

Spent part of my morning "quilting" with my mother's Singer slant-o -matic. I am not sure what constitutes quilting, ( Questions I plan to figure out included, can stitch line cross, what is an acceptable stitch length, how many layers .) Without the answers, I decided to accessorize this blog.

I tried to place a different photo, and then changed my design,, but my true desire was GADGETS. SO I went to work on adding "gadgets" to this blog. Really I just wanted to add some links, after 5 unsuccessful attempts , I decided to get rid of my frustration by sharing it .
Suggestions welcome!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I collect paper by the sheet, fabrics by the quarter yard, and yarn by the skein. Not enough to wrap a gift, or clothe a child, but just enough to wish, imagine and suggest.
In Jane La Fazio's class, I got a chance to use some handprinted cotton, kuzo paper, soy resist painted cloth from I class I took from Melanie Testa, and swatches of vintage kimono cloth from Japan.

What do you think?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Opportunity, again

I adore Jane La Fazio. ( She is an exceptionally accessible artist. I have taken a number of half and full day workshops from her over the past few years. Normally that has involved taking vacation time, telling my husband I am off for a few days and traveling some distance, solo.

This was my first project ( well, a poor photo of it) from one of Jane's workshops. It is based upon a black and white photo of our dog Flossie, an old english sheep dog. It is a combination of paint, marker, quilting, hand embroidery and embellishments.

Jane has an ease of inviting you to explore a technique, or combination of techniques. She takes the fear out of the creative process, and make certain you leave with a sense of satisfaction, and a successful product. (Regardless of your self critic). She "speaks" to both the beginner and the consummate. I always leave from one of her workshops with good intentions to do more, little time and competing priorities.

I just started a 6 month Art Quilt class with Jane this past Sunday. I intend the once a month format, will enable and challenge me to truly explore and build on her lessons and my search for self- expression.. ( Or so I hope).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

annual posting?

The other day I followed the Oscar Meyer "wiener mobile" on to the Hollywood freeway. Actually, we just took the same route, but for those about six so miles I marveled, tried to read the vanity plate and worried about rear ending the "car" . The plate read "RELISHME2"