Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Beginning, Finally

I have been thinking about doing this for years,
Creating a Blog;
Mentally composing odd thoughts with the idea of putting it down, for no other purpose than self disclosure. A vanity project, my own personal stream of conscienceness ( not even spell check helps here ) and likely mine alone to follow .

Today, I passed a young man in the hall at the office, he nodded solemn as we passed by. I tried to describe how he moved through each day, almost, blank. Never initiating or respond with any animation. His presence rarely missed or noted.
As I sat considering him, I wondered when I started feeling comfortable (again) referring to adults as young men or women. It had to be an aging thing. I decided it was some time after age 50 and considered what "young" now meant. On the up side of 50, I figured that the age of the young was creeping up on almost to 40.

I not sure I was ever comfortable referring to an adult as a young person (after I turned 30 or) until I considered it today. A long time friend and I have shared on every birthday that we are either older than any of us ever planned to be or that "sophistication" was just a few years and an accessory away.

I knew the history of the man in the hall accounted for his demeanor. And at that moment I knew that he did have an impact on the people around him and me. I mentally thanked him for the moment of reflection and left the ladies room. Smiling.